Diartikel Kali ini aku mau share sebuah aplikasi untuk mengconvert file mp3 menjadi swf. Jika kalian ingin membuat Backgroud music diblog sobat blogger, sobat blogger sangat memerlukan file musik yang berekstensi SWF. Nah kali ini aku mau share aplikasi tersebut yaitu MP3 to SWF Converter. Jika kalian tertarik kalian bisa melihat review yang diberikan oleh developmentnya:
Link Download tersedia dibawah. Dan MP3 to SWF Converter ini masih trial version, tapi tenang aja aku juga menyediakan patch untuk menjadikan aplikasi MP3 to SWF Converter ini ke full version. cara menggunakan patch untuk MP3 to SWF Converter ini.Kalian harus meletakkan file pacth nya ke dalam directory MP3 to SWF Converter ini diinstall. contoh : C:\Program Files\MP3 to SWF Converter. Lalu paste kan file pactnya ke situ. Nah kalau sudah paham lanjut aj ke TKP.
- MP3 to SWF Converter converts MP3, WAV, AAC, M4A, WMA, OGG files to SWF (Adobe Flash Movie) quickly and easily. It can also record your voice via microphone and convert to SWF.
- MP3 to SWF Converter creates streaming SWF files that play instantly, no waiting. You can convert your favorite music to SWF and place it to your website as web page background music to attract more visitors and increase website traffic. You can also record your voice (e.g. your product instruction, customers' reviews etc.) and add to your website to increase your sales.
- MP3 to SWF Converter can encode audio files with different parameters (like sample frequency, bit rate, channels or encoding quality). This means MP3 to SWF Converter can convert a large-size audio file to a small-size SWF file so that the SWF file can be downloaded faster.
- MP3 to SWF Converter supports streaming and event sounds; and it can generate not only single one SWF and also sound with a shell player SWF. The software supplies many player templates, and user can customize button color of player. The software supports batch conversion as well.
- MP3 to SWF Converter supports more than 40 input file formats including AAC, AIFF, AIF, AIFC, AFC, AU, CDA, ADX, AC3, FLAC, FLA, MO3, MOD, XM, IT, S3M, MTM, UMX, APE, MAC, MP3, MP2, MP1, M4A, M4B, MP4, MPC, MP+, MPP, SND, OGG, OGA, SPX, TTA, WAV, WAVE, WV, WMA, WMV, and ASF.
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